Beautifully presented Restaurant,
Business ID 1337UNDER OFFER
Beautifully presented restaurant. Recently renovated. Great Kitchen fitout. Seating for 120 people. Short working hours. Owners will provide adequate training. ...... more
- Contact: Alvin Teh - 0413-103-801
Popular Chinese restaurant / Takeaway
Business ID 1349Popular restaurant and take away food. Loyal customer base, Meals cook to order as well as self-serving. Currently turning over 24,000 per week Owner will look at providing a trial ...... more
- Contact: Alvin Teh - 0413-103-801
Well regards Lunch trade only in West Perth
Business ID 1351Price: 75,000 Excluding Stock
Well regarded restaurant serving a variety of Asian dishes. Same owners 18 years. Highly profitable business. Lunch trade only. - Short hours Turnover $8,000 per week. Located in commercial / ...... more
- Contact: Alvin Teh - 0413-103-801