Excellent Card & Gift Business
- Business ID: 628
- Business Type: Others
- Status: SOLD
- This business has been sold by Unique Business & Property Specialist.
- Check out what other business we have avaliable here.
This superb Card & Gift business is situated in one of the largest Shopping Centres South of the River. It is located opposite a very busy Food Court and next to a major retailer. An excellent opportunity for a single owner, due to the trained staff willing to stay on. This business is part of a large buying group,(not a franchise) and as such great rebates are given by the Card companies. The rental is fixed for the business for 2 years and a Lease with great terms has been organised. This beautifully presented business has operated in the same location for many years and will do, for many more. The Sales are still increasing,(the down turn has not affected this business) and for an enthusiastic new owner this business is definately worth an inspection. Call for further details!
Alvin Teh
Mobile: 0413-103-801
Office: 6102-3816
Email: alvin@ubps.com.au