One Business 3 Income stream

One Business 3 Income stream

  • Business ID: 1233
  • Business Type: Liquor Store, Retail Food, Supermarkets
  • Status: SOLD
  • This business has been sold by Unique Business & Property Specialist.
  • Check out what other business we have avaliable here.

This business has 3 income stream.
A liquor store that sells high margin items and is beer and burbon store
Fish and chips turning over approximately 4,000 p/w and growing.
Convenience store that sells high profit margin items.
Good strong solid business and easy to operate.
Free spending area.
Ideal as a family business.
60,000 has been allocated as staff wages which can be reduce with family members help.

Please note that the selling price/adjusted net profit is based on ONE owner working on the business on a full time basis.

Alvin Teh
Alvin Teh
Mobile: 0413-103-801
Office: 6102-3816
Sunny Parikh
Sunny Parikh
Mobile: 0449-882-725
Office: 6102-3816